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Open e Insurance Account (eIA)

What is e-Insurance Account?

Launched by Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority (IRDA), the National Insurance-Policy Repository (NIR) service allows policyholders to store their insurance policies digitally under one e-Insurance Account (eIA) without any charge. One can easily avail national insurance number by opening the electronic insurance account (eIA) through the nearest Alankit center.

Key Features:

  • Manage policies, update details via single point of service
  • Digital storage reduces the risk of loss and damage to physical insurance policies
  • No need of providing KYC details for every new policy bought
  • Accessible facilities for the digital conversion of physical policies
  • e-Insurance Accounts can hold life insurance policies, pension plans and general insurance policies (health, car, home etc.)
  • Premium payment alerts
  • Increased number of service touch points
  • Consolidated insurance statement

Registration Process For NIR (National Insurance Repository):

Step 1: Download the electronic insurance account (eIA) application form

Step 2: : Fill out the form with complete/correct details and attach KYC documents including birth certificate and the copy of a cancelled cheque.

Step 3: Submit the eIA application to any Alankit branch.

Step 4: After submission, the eIA application form is verified and processed. An eIA is then, generated for the applicant. (login Id and password will be given).

After following all these steps, the eIA account can be accessed by login Id and password.

Frequently Asked Questions About NIR

It provides policyholders a facility to keep insurance policies in an electronic format and make changes, modifications and revisions to the policies when required with accuracy and ease.
eIA is an electronic insurance account that safeguards the insurance policy documents of policyholders in an electronic format. The eIA provides the policyholder access to his/her insurance portfolio at the click of a button on the internet. Each eIA has a unique account number; and the accountholder a unique Login ID and Password for access online.
To hold e-insurance policies, a distinct e-insurance account can be opened with an insurance repository for safekeeping of insurance policies in electronic form. The e-account can be opened by persons holding insurance policies or aiming to hold them in future.
The eIA is offered free of cost to applicants.
As per the IRDA guidelines, an individual cannot open multiple e-Insurance Accounts.
It is possible to convert existing physical policies into electronic form, by making a service request to the designated person.

Holding insurance policies in electronic form under a single e-Insurance Account has multiple benefits.

Safety - No risk, loss or damage as electronic policies are safely held and can be accessed whenever required. Convenience – Details of all policies are available at one place through a single e-account, and can be accessed at any time through the insurance repository online portal. Policy premiums can be paid online and service requests or complaints can also be filed.

Single Point of Service – All eIA service requests in relation to e-policies can be submitted to any of the insurance repository service points online, without the need for visits to insurance policy offices.

Less Paper Work – No repeat KYC verification is required on the purchase of new e-insurance policies through the existing eIA. Any changes to an individual’s personal details can be undertaken through a single service request under the existing eIA.

The following documents are required to open an eIA:

-ID Proof: Aadhaar or PAN Number

- Address Proof: Verified copies of any of the under stated documents can be provided and the original document of the relevant address proof should be produced during verification by the insurance repository.

Ration Card/Passport/Aadhaar/Voter ID/Driving License/Bank Passbook (not older than 6 months)/electricity bills (not older than 6 months)/telephone bills (not older than 6 months)/registered lease and license agreement.

Self-declaration attested by High Court or Supreme Court judges with the provision of the new address of the accountholder.

IDs or documents with address issued by – Central or State Governments and their Departments/Statutory or Regulatory Authorities/Public Sector Undertakings/Scheduled Commercial Banks/Public Financial Institutions/Colleges afflicted with Universities/Professional Bodies such as ICAI, ICWAI, and Bar Councils

The following types of insurance policies are eligible to be held in electronic form:

  • -All individual life insurance policies including health and pension policies and policies issued to groups by registered life insurance companies.
  • -All general insurance policies held by individuals including group policies
  • -Any other class of insurance policies that may be notified by IRDA
Policyholders can choose to have their policies issued in physical or electronic form. A policy can be purchased and maintained in any one form only. However, a policyholder can choose to keep some policies in electronic form and others as physical papers.
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